The Wee Hoosie

Well, my hubby and I have finally moved in to our very own ‘wee hoosie’. It has been a very challenging two months for me. Aside from all the sorting and packing, we had to clean and paint both the house we bought and the apartment we left. We refinished floors and cleaned carpets.

The elderly lady we purchased the house from went into the hospital and so was unable to clean before we moved in. The two rooms a woman really wants clean when she moves in are the bathroom and kitchen. Living with my own dirt is one thing, but living with someone else’s – no way!

Now that I have been in the house for three weeks, I am finding that there is much more to clean than I originally thought. I have just finished taking a metal scrubber and using vinegar and soap, I have spent half the day scrubbing greasy grunge off of the stove fan, the stove, underneath the counter rim, underneath the upper cabinets and am now soaking all the cupboard handles.

My hands, arms and shoulders are stiff and aching!

On top of the cleaning, there are still boxes to be unpacked. Unfortunately, our wee hoosie is sadly lacking in storage infrastructure and I am going slightly bald as I tear my hair out trying to find a place for everything and everything in it’s place!

Yes, there are definitely challenges to buying and maintaining your own house. For me, those challenges often lead to my suffering pain and fatigue. But I know that the challenge is worth the benefits I enjoy from having my own home.

It cost my hubby and me every spare dollar we had to buy our worldly home. But I have another home, one that Jesus bought for me. It is a spiritual home and it was purchased with pain, suffering, blood and even death. It cost Jesus everything he had – it cost him his life.

We could only afford to buy an older, small bungalow. Jesus paid for me to have a mansion.

As much as I suffer trying to make my house clean, Jesus suffered much more in making my life clean. He endured rejection, injustice, beating and crucifixion for my sake. My hands, arms and back hurt from scrubbing my house clean. Jesus’ hands and feet were pierced with huge nails and his back was beaten open to make me clean.

We had to do all the cleaning, painting and maintenance on this house ourselves before we moved into it. Jesus has prepared our mansion for us; it is ready and waiting just for us – we will not have to plaster a single whole in the wall! Jesus is coming to give me the keys himself!

I am so thankful to God for my cute ‘wee hoosie’ here on Earth, but I am eternally grateful for the heavenly home Jesus bought and prepared for me. I hope that you will be able to visit me and enjoy a cup of tea. 🙂

Joh 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in Me.
Joh 14:2 In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
Joh 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, so that where I am, you may be also.
